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Hello! I'm Kathleen Talbot. Welcome to my website!
I am a recent graduate of Methacton High School in the class of 2019. I plan on spending the next four years at Susquehanna University with a major in Graphic Design. During my senior year of high school, I took the Graphic Design class and AP Art class. They were amazing experiences that gave me the opportunity to learn and improve my artwork. For AP Art, I had to submit a portfolio, which was split into two sections: breath and concentration. This is why my gallery is split into two. My concentration has a theme, so I wanted to keep all of those pieces together. The breadth section shows the rest of my work, which has no theme and shows the various media I have worked with. Before you look at my art if you choose to do so, I encourage you to take a gander at these pictures to learn a little more about me.
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